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Dowling International Human Resource Management 5th Edition

카테고리 없음

by unpatemend1986 2020. 2. 13. 19:58


  1. International Human Resource Management 5th Edition Dowling Festing And Engle
Dowling international human resource management 5th edition wiley

Out now: International Human Resource Management, 5th Edition- Wed 28 Nov 2018 20:51 (updated Fri 9 Aug 2019 19:10)Guest post by my former PhD student and co-author. In this post Sebastian introduces the 5th edition of our co-edited textbook in International HRM.Whether you are student, a fellow scholar or a practitioner in the field of international human resource management, I would like to draw your attention to the latest edition of the bestselling, published by SAGE. Together with my colleagues Anne-Wil Harzing and Helene Tenzer, I had the privilege to put together contributions from many renowned international experts in international HRM, thereby ensuring the necessary critical edge, academic rigour and breadth of coverage of the book.© 2019 B. Sebastian Reiche, Anne-Wil Harzing and Helene Tenzer (eds.), SAGE Publications Ltd., London, 632 pp. ISBN 963 (hardcover), ISBN 970 (pbk).(This is the fifth edition; the appeared in 1995, the appeared in 2004, the in 2011, and the in 2014.)Overview of the bookThe first part of the book, Cultural, Comparative and Organizational Perspectives on IHRM, provides an overview of theoretical concepts and models that help organize knowledge on IHRM.

International Human Resource Management 5th Edition Dowling Festing And Engle


Both classical theories and the most recent research go hand-in-hand, allowing us to trace the historical evolution as well as current and future developments in the field.The second part of the book, International Assignments and Employment Practices, shows how the theoretical considerations are put into practice in multinational companies, looking at how they manage their workforce around the world and the challenges they face. In the book you will find many up-to-date practical examples, including Uber’s regulatory challenges across Europe, the gig economy, the role of employment rights after Brexit, health insurance for part-timers in the U.S. And the E.U., how to attract and retain ‘millennials’, the world’s happiest and unhappiest countries, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Hong Kong.Finally, the third part of the book, IHRM Policies and Practices, looks more specifically at both traditional and newer approaches to IHRM policies and practices. Be it policies on global training and development, global performance management, or diversity and CSR policies, these chapters can be a great source of inspiration for any practitioner in the field.In editing the book, we strived to ensure a high standard of intellectual content and make this content accessible.

To that end, I believe the 5 th edition serves as a comprehensive textbook for students and instructors, as a research handbook for scholars, and as a source of practical ideas and solutions for practitioners. In other words, why don’t you just sit back and read? Related blogposts. All rights reserved. Page last modified on Fri 9 Aug 2019 19:10B. Sebastian Reiche is Professor and Chair of the Department of Managing People in Organizations at IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain.

His research focuses on the forms, prerequisites and consequences of global work, international HRM, global leadership and knowledge transfer. His research has been published in scholarly outlets such as Journal of International Business Studies, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, and Academy of Management Discoveries. He is Associate Editor of Human Resource Management Journal, co-editor of Advances in Global Leadership, and regularly blogs on topics related to expatriation and global work.